May 16, 2007

The News Is Funny

May 04, 2007

Quick And Silly


Repubs O Eight

So like a true political nerd I sat down and watched the whole republican presidential debate last night on MSNBC. I have to say that they one thing that really stood out in my mind was the amount of candidates that had their eyes on Iran. First of all Iran is probably a country to be worried about. However, they are a much more formidable foe than Iraq could ever be. Also I cannot understand how these candidates think that they will be elected when they are pushing for war in Iran and we are still fumbling in Iraq. Not to mention that the majority of the American people think that we are failing in Iraq.

Overall, I think that Romney, Giuliani, and McCain (all of whom already have the public's attention) did the best job at getting their positions accross and not stumbling when answering questions. Duncan Hunter scares me. During one of his responses, he completely avoided the question and went into a tirade about the Iran threat and how we must deal with them immediately. Jim Gilmore just comes off as a douche bag and Mike Huckabee seems alright, but he is also seems kinda soft. Tommy Thompson and Tom Tancredo did a fine job, but neither really blew my dress up. Lastly, Sam Brownback carried himself well and did a good job of getting his positions accross, but something about him just bothers me. Not to mention Ms. Brownback during a post-debate interview looked like she was a special bus regular.

The other element of the debate that engaged my brain was the Reagan ass kissing. Admittedly the debate took place in Reagan's library, but seriously. Every candidate on stage mentioned Reagan's name multiple times in an effort to associate themselves with the last uber popular conservative. I find it quite ironic because, for the voters, it is more of a question of what will you do to improve my life in the next four years and less about which past politicians you relate to. Also because many of the candidates tried to distance themselves from the current Bush administration and especially the decisions regarding the war in Iraq. As a whole the candidates are trying to distance themselves from the current negative sentiment towards the party and revive the overwhelming support for the great communicator.

As we are still a year and a half away from the 08 elections, anything is possible at this point. The one thing I know for sure is that it is very entertaining to watch candidates try and defend their positions while at the same time trying to appeal to the broadest base of the American voting population that they can.

May 01, 2007

The First Of May

The first of May is upon us. There are a lot of things going on in my life in this month of may. Today my brother was inaugurated as president of the student's association at the University of Arizona. In less than two weeks, I will be graduating from the University of Arizona. Two weeks after that I will be packing up my life and moving away from Tucson for good and moving to Los Angeles. I've known that all of this was coming for quite a long time, but certain realities are just beginning to set in.

1. I am done with my formal education.
2. All of my goals for the "future" must be set in motion now.
3. There are no arbitrary breaks or set times for levels of achievement anymore. It is now my responsibility to set these times.
4. I am leaving the city that I have lived in my entire life.
5. I am solely responsible for my life.
6. I will never see many of the friends that I take for granted in college.
7. I can no longer say "it's cool, I'm in college" and get away with it.
8. I have plans for the future, but not plans for now.
9. I must continue my education on my own.
10. I will miss these times.

Not to be a total serious downer, I am very excited and ready to get out of Tucson. I have friends in Los Angeles and will be living with friends. I'm ready to try and apply some of my knowledge instead of writing papers about bulsh. And most of all I'm ready to prove to myself that I can accomplish the many goals that have been marinating in my brain these last four years.

On a lighter note:
I want
Reefer Madness
Dumb Business
Well Done